Psi (Ψ) Chapter at University of New Mexico

National History
Sigma Alpha Omega® was formed as a Sister Sorority to Chi Alpha Omega fraternity. Chi Alpha Omega was founded as a co-ed Christian fraternity in the spring of 1987 at East Carolina University in Greenville, North Carolina. The purpose of Chi Alpha Omega was to assemble Christian students in a Christ-centered brotherhood in order to enjoy Christian fellowship, service, accountability, and social activities.
In January 1998, the active brothers (both males and females) of the Beta Chapter of Chi Alpha Omega at North Carolina State University voted to form Sigma Alpha Omega® in hopes of benefiting both the fraternity and the sorority. Both groups committed to living according to the ideals of Christ and His Word, uplifting each other through fellowship and service, and bringing the love of Christ to North Carolina State University.
Sigma Alpha Omega® Christian Sorority, Inc. was officially recognized as a national non-profit organization under the laws of North Carolina in June 2004. Since the founding of the sorority, chapters of Sigma Alpha Omega® have been established at many colleges and universities across the nation.
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One in Christ through Unity in Sisterhood®
Our Purpose:
We are a Christian social sorority. First of all we are founded in Christ and secondly in sisterhood. We encourage one another to grow in love through life in Christ. Some of the ways in which we fellowship include Bible studies, social activities, retreats, and service projects. Sigma Alpha Omega® is a great way to get involved and enjoy college life while remaining true to your identity as a child of God.
Our Mission Statement:
"To glorify God by reaching women across the world through the expansion of the sisterhood, by encouraging spiritual development through Christ‐inspired accountability and unity, by participating in evangelistic and philanthropic endeavors, and focusing on good scholarship and humble leadership."
Our Vision Statement:
"To become an international Christ-centered sisterhood that equips women to grow in their relationships with Christ, through unity and service to others, at institutions of higher learning."
Our Sorority Crest:
Tasha Smith, alumna of the Alpha chapter of Sigma Alpha Omega® and past National Board Trustee, designed our sorority shield in the summer of 2001. It is symbolic of the Armor of God, based from scripture, and also includes our letters, slogan, and sorority symbols (lily and dove).
Official Namesake Bible Verses:
Revelations 22:13 "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End."
Luke 1:46-47 "My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior."
Our National Colors:
Burgundy & Forest Green
Our Slogan:
"One in Christ through Unity in Sisterhood."
Bird: Dove
Matthew 3:16-17 "As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting on him."
Flower: Lily
Song of Solomon 2:1 "I am a rose of Sharon, a lily of the valleys."

"Psi" or Ψ (pronounced like the English word "sigh") is the 23rd letter in the Greek alphabet. Our chapter is named this as we are the 23rd colony of the national organization upon our chartering in 2008.