Psi (Ψ) Chapter at University of New Mexico

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Sigma Alpha Omega, "SAO", is a non-denominational, Christian social sorority that is first founded in Christ and second founded in sisterhood. We encourage each other to grow in the Lord and in the Word while holding one another accountable through our friendships.
Together, we pursue the Biblical ideals of Christian leadership, sisterhood, spiritual development, campus leadership, good scholarship, fine standards, service, excellence, and love through life in Christ. We enjoy Christian fellowship through Bible studies, service projects, social activities, and more.
We are already sisters in Christ, so it feels natural for us to operate as a social sorority providing women a Christian focus in Greek Life.
2012 Chapter of the Year
Chapter History
Psi chapter of Sigma Alpha Omega was founded in the Spring of 2008 on the University of New Mexico campus.
The founding sisters are
Alicia Aragon
Krystle Archibeque
Amanda Dowdican
Samantha (Doyle) Ortiz
Kelly McPherson
Chelsea (Steuber) Sanchez

How To Join
Membership Eligibility
Potential New Members must meet the following criteria:
be enrolled in University of New Mexico or enrolled in a college within commutable distance
be a female
proclaim Jesus Christ as personal Savior as one with the eternal Trinity of God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
In order to join, Potential New Members may submit applications for review at any time or attend any current recruitment events. Recruitment events will be posted on this website should any be upcoming. Therefore, please submit applications sooner than later to be invited to any private events to interact with chapter sisters!
Becoming a Member
To become a full, initiated member of the Psi Chapter and the National Organization, membership candidates must undergo classes as outlined by the National Organization, pay dues, and conduct certain events for the completion of the candidate process. Feel free to contact us at psi@sigmaalphaomega.org for more information!
Membership in Sigma Alpha Omega Christian Sorority, Inc. is for a lifetime!
* Fall 2017 Update *
What We're Looking For...
We are looking for women who identify as passionate for strengthening their faith in Christ through the bonds of female friendship as well as self-starters who are interested in making a difference on the UNM campus and community while experiencing college life in community with fellow believers. We are looking to refresh and grow the Psi Chapter here at UNM, which is an exciting challenge, so we want women who are up for the task and flourish with leadership and teamwork opportunities!